History & Chronology

A Chronological Overview of Ancient Egyptian History. A Timeline of Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Exploring the Similarities: A Comparison of Ancient Mythologies and Belief Systems

The study of ancient civilizations and cultures is a fascinating and endlessly intriguing field, and one that provides a wealth of information about the beliefs, customs, and traditions of people from long ago. Among the many systems of belief and cultural expression that have existed throughout history, there are several that share similarities with Kemetology, …

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Uncovering the Deeper Significance and Historical Roots of the Term ‘Hotep’

The term “hotep” is often associated with ancient Egyptian culture and spirituality. It is a word that is derived from the Egyptian word “Htp,” which is a common expression of peace, greetings, and well-wishing. The phrase “Hotep” is often used as a salutation, similar to “peace” or “blessings.” In contemporary times, the term has been …

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What is Kemetology

Kemetology, also known as Kemeticism or the Kemetic tradition, is the study and practice of ancient Egyptian religion and spirituality. This polytheistic religion, which flourished in Egypt for over 3,000 years, was based on the worship of a diverse group of deities who were believed to control the forces of nature and govern all aspects …

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Exploring the Legacy of the Ancient Civilization of Sumer and Its Influence on Ancient Egypt

The ancient civilization of Sumer, located in what is now southern Iraq, predates the civilization of ancient Egypt and holds a significant place in the history of human development. The Sumerians were pioneers in many areas, including writing, law, agriculture, and architecture. They also had a rich religious tradition, with gods and goddesses that had …

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Uncovering the Origin of the Name Kemet: The Significance of Ancient Egypt’s Black Land

Kemet Etymology Kemet is an ancient Egyptian word that means “black land.” This name was used by the ancient Egyptians to refer to the fertile land along the Nile River, which was black due to the rich soil deposited by the river’s annual floods. The Greeks, who had extensive contact with the ancient Egyptians, renamed …

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